Text Notification FAQ

Text Notifications FAQ
What are Text Notifications?

Text Notifications are an optional subscription service that enables subscribers to connect to their library accounts via text message. Users can receive notifications, renew checked out items, and request information about their holds, checked out items, and late fees with this service.

This is a free service offered to anyone registered at an Allegheny County public library. Depending on your cellular phone plan, additional per-message charges may be assessed by your carrier.

How do I sign up?
  1. Add 412-459-7442 to your cellphone contacts. This is not required, but it is recommended.
  2. Simply text SIGNUP+your-14-digit-barcode+PIN to 412-459-7442.

Please note, you must include the plus signs (+) between each element of the text.

Once you sign up, you will receive texts confirming your successful sign up and asking if you want to supply an email address as an additional contact. This is optional and will only be used to contact you in the event that your notices are undeliverable.

What types of notices can I get?
You can opt in or out of any of the following notice types by texting the associated keyword to 412-459-7442. When you sign up you will be enrolled in hold pickup, renewal, and overdue notices by default.
Notice Type Keyword Default
Hold pickup HOLDS Enrolled
Renewal RENEW Enrolled
Overdue OVERDUE Enrolled
Late Fee LATEFEE Not Enrolled

Additionally, all registered users will receive library card expiration notices 30 days before their library cards expire.

Text notifications are supplemental to existing notification methods (phone, email, regular mail) and you will continue to receive notices via these methods when you sign up for this service.

How can I renew items?
To renew individual items by list, text the keyword RL.

To renew all checked out items, text the keyword RA.


Is there a fee to sign up for this service?
Text Notifications are a free service offered to anyone registered at an Allegheny County public library. Depending on your cellular phone plan, additional per-message charges may be assessed by your carrier. Please call your carrier to inquire about any charges they might impose BEFORE subscribing.
Will I continue to receive library notices via email or phone call?
Yes. Text notifications are supplemental to existing notification methods (phone, email, regular mail) and you will continue to receive notices via these methods when you sign up for this service.
I enrolled in Text Notifications but I am not receiving notices. What should I do?
The system is configured to send your confirmation messages within 60 seconds of receipt, but there may be an additional delay before your cell phone carrier delivers them. Though messages are usually delivered promptly (within 1 to 5 minutes), this is not always the case. If you have signed up and you have not received these messages after 4 hours, email einetwork.support@shoutbomb.com.
When are notices sent?
Notices are sent daily between the hours of 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM, however you can access your account information at any time using the keywords listed in the Keyword Quick Reference section under “How can I use this service get information about my account?”.

Hold Pickup Notices

Hold pickup notices are sent when a requested item is available at your pickup location.

Late Fee Notices

If you opt in to late fee notices, you will receive notices the first notice when you owe $10 or more. Subsequent notices will be sent at 7 days, 14 days, and 21 days.

Renewal Notices

Renewal notices are sent 3 days before an item is due.

Overdue Notices

The first overdue notice will be sent when the item is past due. Subsequent overdue notices will be sent when an item is 7 days, 14 days, and 21 days overdue.

Library Card Expiration Notices

Library card expiration notices are sent 30 days before your library card expires.
How do I update my phone number to continue receiving text notifications?

Text SWITCHPHONE to 412-459-7442 and follow the prompts.

We will check the following:

If you have just changed carriers (for example, from AT&T to Verizon).

In this case, you will receive 2 messages: one confirming the update of your user account and one looking up any messages sent in the last 7 days to redeliver.

If your phone number has changed.

In this case, Shoutbomb will request the patron barcode you used when you initially registered.

Once you provide this information, you will receive 2 messages: one confirming the update of your user account and one looking up any messages sent in the last 7 days to redeliver.


How do I add an additional library card to my text notice account?

To add additional cards, text ADDCARD to 412- 459-7442 and follow the prompts.

You will be asked to text the additional library card number you wish to add. If this is a valid card number, you will then be prompted to text the PIN associated with this library card number. If the PIN is valid you will receive a text confirming that you have successfully added the new card.


How do I remove a secondary card that I’ve added?

To remove a secondary card, text DROPCARD to 412-459-7442 and follow the prompts.

If only one secondary card was added with ADDCARD, that barcode will automatically be removed from the account.
If multiple secondary cards were added, you will receive a response that associates each card number with an item number (1, 2, 3, etc.). Just respond with the item number associated with the barcode you wish to drop.

You will receive a confirmation message indicating that you have successfully removed the card.


How do I unsubscribe from Text Notifications?
Text QUIT+your-14-digit-barcode to 412-459-7442.
How can I use this service to get information about my account?

Keyword Quick Reference

To receive information about your library account, text the following keywords to 412-459-7442.

Keyword Description
SIGNUP+your-14-digit-barcode+PIN Sign up for text notices. Note that the plus signs (+) are required.
TEST Test your connection to the SMS service.
HL Request a list of items on hold.
OL Request a list of overdue items.
OA Renew all overdue items.
OI List overdue items not eligible for renewal.
RI List of all items not eligible for renewal.
RW List of items not eligible for renewal and why.
RA Renew all checked out items.
RL Renew individual items by list.
ADDEMAIL+your-14-digit-barcode Add an email address for additional verification.
DROPEMAIL+your-14-digit-barcode Remove email from card.
ADDCARD+14-digit-barcode Add an additional library barcode to your text notice account.
DROPCARD+14-digit-barcode Remove any secondary library barcode from your text notice account.
HELP Lists keywords.
RESEND Sends last message.
QUIT+your-14-digit-barcode Unsubscribe from text notification service.
SWITCHPHONE Change your phone number.
MYCARDS Lists registered cards.